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✔ Set yourself up for Success on your weight goals and tools to help you smash the roadblocks.
✔ The importance of Nutrition to prevent lockdown weight gain.
✔ Condition the body and get it moving with fun workouts while shedding calories.
You too can lose excess fat easily and effortlessly, without the struggle of self sabotage, strict diets and going to the gym!
Does this sound like you?
The pounds always sneaked back —Even after working hard and losing weight in the past, whether on your own or with some popular programs such as Weight Watchers, it has found its way back. You may have lost it initially, but it has always returned more profusely within a short time.
Your weight has been weighing heavily on your mind for years ... or probably your whole life.
You feel uncomfortable in your body and this has taken a toll on your self-esteem.
You feel like your weight is always on your mind.
Yes you are doing very well in your career... but when it comes to trying to discard that unwanted weight, you keep failing.
You are physically and emotionally drained: You have deprived and restricted yourself with no results and now you feel extremely tired and frustrated.
You have tried just about every diet and cleanses ... yet success has eluded you.
You feel even more depressed and you are wondering whether you can really drop it off and enjoy doing it while at it.
Your weight dictates your life and mood: You step on the scale and see the pounds you weigh, you see how your clothes (ill) fit, your image in the mirror—and all these affect your self-confidence.
Every pound you gain increases your insecurities and lowers your confidence: You don’t want to be seen out there and feel hampered by your weight. This leads to emotional eating as a way of numbing the frustration and disappointment you feel.
You hate to be seen: You dodge family functions, posing for photos, going out with friends. You just want to seclude yourself. You feel helpless and about to throw in the towel.
If that sounds like you, relax ...
You are not alone. Many women have been there at some point. But their story has changed.
You have come to the right place where help is available – at last.
Congratulations for landing on this page!
It shows that
You are determined to lose weight and haven’t thrown in the towel yet.
You are still looking for the appropriate solution.
You are convinced that there must be a better way somewhere as quick fixes don’t just work.
You are sick of old methods and you are in search of a lasting solution.
It is your turn to lose weight.
Get set for a lifetime of weight loss adventure...
This is very important
Losing weight sustainably and managing it effectively is among the most prized things you can ever do to guarantee your long-term health plus wellbeing.
You are dying to achieve a healthy weight and maintain it for good, and to succeed in your quest for weight loss, you firstly need to understand the reason why you are overweight. Until you figure this out, diets will always not work for you. You should have a basic understanding of what you actually need to do not just cut weight but also keep it off.
Cutting weight is almost rarely a walk in the park. However, there is an art and science behind dropping weight and keeping in shape. And we have mastered it. We will help you master it, too.
A combination of Mindset, Fitness and Nutrition can provide a lasting transformation for you.
We are a competent team of three experts on Mindset, Fitness, and Nutrition with a combined experience of over 45 years.
Our mission is to help you shatter that nasty cycle of yo-yo dieting and say goodbye to those unwanted pounds for good. With our professional one-on-one help, you will certainly get results even if you have battled your unwanted weight before and failed.
Sometimes losing weight just by exercising and eating well can be a tall order.
At Slim Fit Dames we are aware that every woman is unique and has her own personal struggles managing her weight. So, what will work for you is a specific approach that is designed for your body.
To get lasting weight loss results, you need to discover how to handle emotional eating.
Dieting will never teach you what is behind binge eating.
Research shows that it is for this reason that 95% of diets flop and the majority of women regain their lost weight within 1 – 5 years.
There are possible reasons behind your being overweight and binge eating such as:
❌ Poor self-esteem
❌ Insecurity
❌ Financial stress
❌ Taking care of kids and everything else
❌ Betrayal
❌ Deep-seated trauma or small scars inflicted by life
❌ Divorce
❌ Or something totally different
At Slimfit Dames, we will take a holistic approach to help you get to understand your relationship with food. We will guide you through the adjustments you should make in your lifestyle in order to attain the weight that is appropriate for you. We factor in your health objectives, lifestyle factors as well as medical history. We will teach you what it takes to effectively cut weight – and keep it at bay.
Enjoying a healthy weight cut in a manner that feels cool, organised, sensible, and permanent is not just for certain people. You, too, have a right to it.
Maintaining the right weight after shedding off unwanted weight is a crucial part of our program. Our mission is not limited to helping you achieve and maintain your desired weight but also change your attitude towards a healthy lifestyle.
Get Started NOW! Say goodbye to struggle with self sabotage, dieting and going to the gym.
It is time to stop feeling embarrassed, overwhelmed, and out of control of your body.
Now is the time to regain your confidence, participate in life and enjoy it. Our many years of experience and failure-proof methods will help you attain the weight you yearn for and maintain it.
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